High Resolution Screen Capture Mac For Word Document
- High Resolution Screen Capture Mac For Word Document File
- Check Screen Resolution Mac
- High Resolution Screen Capture Mac For Word Document Download
Hi, How do you change the resolution of your mac screenshots. I've just moved from a Macbook Air to a Macbook Pro and i've noticed that all of my screenshots are 144px instead of the usual 72px. OCR screenshot Mac: Click on computer icon on the main window. Pick the area of the screen that you desire to capture. After releasing the cursor, the editable and selectable text will be in Picatext. OCR image Mac: Click upload button on the Picatext window. Choose an image you want to deal with, and click on “Open” button. Click the screen icon at the top right and select the first screen, application window, or browser tab you want to show in your screen recording. And should you need to extract gorgeous full-resolution 1,204-by-1,024 pixel Mac app/document icons as transparent PNG files (like the Grab app icon top of post), don’t bother with screenshoting – all you need is Preview. Check out these related articles. How to take screenshots on Mac; How to change where screenshots are saved on the Mac.
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Everything seems to scale up fine apart from the menubar background. Any idea on how to fix that?
In case anyone missed it, the other hint cited above mentions that you can access the same functionality without a full Xcode installation by using the 'defaults' command:
defaults write -g AppleDisplayScaleFactor -float 1.25
By the way, you can also adjust this hidden parameter (and many, many others) by downloading and installing BlackTree's Secrets (system preferences pane) (no affiliation, I just think it's a great tool...) and using it to adjust the hidden System preference 'Global User Interface Scale Multiplier' (in the 'Appearance' section). (Be sure to read the associated warnings as any value other than 1 for this setting is not really very well tolerated by the system and/or various applications.)
…And if you replace -g
with the app's bundle identifier, e.g., com.apple.preview
, then you only affect the given app:
defaults write com.apple.preview AppleDisplayScaleFactor -float 1.25
defaults delete com.apple.preview AppleDisplayScaleFactor
(again, replace com.apple.preview
with -g
if you used -g
when setting the scale factor) will of course reset the scale factor to normal.
This works better in 10.5 Leopard than 10.6 Snow Leopard. As John Siracusa points out on Page 21 of his Snow Leopard review, Apple dropped the ball (and actually regressed) on updating some standard controls for resolution independence.
One other point, if this is for use in print, get a huge monitor and make the scaling factor an integral multiple (such as 2.0 times normal). Most speculation is that Apple never followed through on resolution independence because bitmaps at x1.5 and x1.25 will develop jaggies without including a huge number of special resolution cases.
But If this is for print, it may be worth your time to use exact multiples of the native interface. Yes, that requires a huge display. For example a 27' 2560x1440 iMac screenshot will only give you the information that could be displayed on a 1280 x 720 display (albeit at twice the resolution).
There is an easier way to get a better print resolution.
Open the screenshot or image in Preview.
In Tools / Adjust Size …
Enter a higher resolution, for example 300 instead of 72 in the resolution field.
Now you can save the screenshot or any other image with a better image quality/resolution.
High Resolution Screen Capture Mac For Word Document File
The procedure you describe has absolutely no effect on the data representing the pixels in the image (so would give no improvement to the printed output). The number you're modifying simply tells the software displaying the image how big a pixel is intended to be (1/72 of an inch or 1/300th of an inch in your example). Most software actually ignores this value, anyway, especially on raster-based images (as opposed to vector based, such as SVG files). Any software that actually does try to honor the new resolution you've given the image will simply display (or print) it at a much smaller apparent size (e.g. a 4 inch by 5 inch image originating at 72dpi would be displayed as 0.96 inches by 1.2 inches after having its resolution changed to 300dpi, regardless of the output device, screen or printer, in software that uses this value correctly).
So, all you've done by changing this value is to point out a flaw in any software that ignores it (which is most software, in my experience) and shrunk the output size of the image for any software that doesn't. You haven't actually improved the quality at all.
Now, if you were to actually scale the image data by, for example, changing the width and height values in that same Preview dialog (while the 'Resample image' checkbox is on), you WILL actually 'improve' it's quality (in other words add data), but this data is interpolated by the software and can often times create artifacts (jaggies), though the algorithms have greatly improved since the early days. What the OP is trying to accomplish is to create an image that actually contains more accurate data in the first place rather than relying on later upscaling.
If one Screen Zooms before doing the capture, the saved screen grab is the larger size.
(The [command key of your choice]-two-finger-swipe-upward to Screen Zoom is controlled in the Trackpad System Preference.)
Check Screen Resolution Mac
High Resolution Screen Capture Mac For Word Document Download
The OP is trying to get more original, precise pixel data in his screen captures so that printing comes out better. The method you're describing just upscales the image before capture, rather than after capture. The algorithm Apple uses in screen zooming is pretty darn good, but it does still introduce artifacts that the OP's method may very well avoid (especially in text and other vector based elements of the screen display).